Solanic is a high quality potato protein with unique functionality to help create excellent plant-based ice cream with desired appearance, taste and texture tailored to the consumer’s need.
The challenge: How can you achieve a stable, aerated plant-based ice cream without an off-taste? Plant-based ice cream with a pleasant texture that is aerated, with a nice flavour profile without off-notes, are the main attributes consumers are looking for.
Solanic®300, The perfect emulsification and aeration solution for smooth and creamy plant-based ice cream. Solanic®300 present a good aeration that enables high overrun, whilst retaining taste and white colour.
Hi, I am Jane, 22 from NY City. My generation - Gen Z - is much more concerned with health & sustainability. What I look for in buying products is fresh food, plant-based, and with a good source of nutrients. I like to taste and try new plant-based alternatives. Ingredients and production methods must be ‘fair’, with respect to the consumer, the people in the production chain, animals, and the climate.
How can we help you innovate? Feel free to reach out. We’re happy to help!